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 Hongke Plastic Precision Mould Co.,Limited

 Link By: linda shen

 Mobile Phone: +86 1358 080 0428

 Tel:+86(769)8228 9418 


 Add: No.6, Xiangshan Road, Jichiling, Dalingshan town,Dongguan city,Guangdong province,China.

What products are covered in the development of plastic molds?

release time:2020-08-05 15:24:09  Views: 841

Before the mold industry in the 1990s, due to the lack of popularization of CNC machining equipment, the mold delivery time was long, the precision was low, and the process was rough. In the mid to late 1990s, CNC machining equipment such as numerical control was gradually introduced and promoted, which greatly improved the delivery speed and quality of molds. However, compared with developed countries, there is still a big gap, which is mainly reflected in the accuracy of equipment, the quality of employees, and management level. It can be seen that although my country's mold industry is developing rapidly, it is clearly in short supply compared with demand. The main gap is concentrated in the field of precision, large, complex, and long-life molds. Due to gaps in mold accuracy, life, manufacturing cycle and production capacity, my country still needs a large number of imported molds every year.

In addition to continuing to increase production capacity, my country's mold industry will pay more attention to the adjustment of the internal structure of the industry and the improvement of technological development. In terms of structural adjustment, the company's structure is mainly specialized, the product structure is developing in the direction of high-end molds, the import and export structure has improved, the mold forming analysis and structure improvement of high-end automotive panels, multi-functional composite molds and composite processing, And the application of laser technology in mold design and manufacturing, high-speed cutting, super-finishing polishing technology, and information technology development. In terms of management, it is necessary to develop in a standardized direction and establish a sustainable talent training mechanism.

At present, mold products are more and more widely used in the national economy and daily life. From clothing, food, housing, transportation and other aspects, all involve the development and manufacturing of molds. Therefore, the mold industry will never be a sunset industry. We have to reserve enough funds for this industry. Confidence and expectations! As small as the buttons on clothes, zippers, mobile phones, computers, cars, planes, trains, etc.! They are all made with molds. Therefore, we look forward to the rising star of our mould industry, carry forward this industry, strive to become stronger, and stand in the forefront of the world!

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